Illustration for Hubblecast 77: Hubble and the Bermuda Triangle of space.

This illustration is made up of screenshots from Hubblecast 77: Hubble and the Bermuda Triangle of space. The Hubblecast tells the story of what happens to Hubble in the mysterious region known as the South Atlantic Anomaly.

When satellites pass through this area they are bombarded with swarms of intensely high energy particles. This can produce "glitches" in astronomical data, malfunctioning of on-board electronics, and has even shut down unprepared spacecraft for weeks!


NASA, ESA, M. Kornmesser (ESA/Hubble)

About the Image

Release date:18 September 2014, 16:00
Related announcements:ann1411
Size:1920 x 1080 px

About the Object


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r.titleLarge JPEG
467.0 KB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
127.4 KB


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