NGC 5866

I wanted to continue practicing and learning about Hubble data, so I chose to process another Hubble acquisition, this time an already published image of galaxy NGC 5866 from datasets J9FL01010, J9FL01020, and J9FL01030, taken earlier this year.

The Hubble Heritage Project has already put together this extraordinary image from those datasets:

However, I wanted to see whether I could improve any on the processing they did, as I spotted several defects in their full-sized image (albeit very minor ones). Starting with the 600+ megabytes of FITS files, here is my result.

I haven't had so much fun learning new things in a long time.

This fits liberator image is not available for sale.

Noel Carboni & the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator

About the FITS Image

Name:Noel Carboni
City:Boca Raton, FL


r.titleLarge JPEG
1.8 MB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
120.6 KB
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