Ice Cone NGC 6302 (Bug Nebula)

This image was created with the help of the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator. Data downloaded from the ESO Educational datasets. and The trick is to realise that the fine detail is in both log and linear images. So I took the full ESO composite image and replaced the blue and red image planes with new image planes composed of additions of linear and log images merged down for the fine details needed in the cone region. I left the green screen from the ESO composite, as I have not mastered this step yet. A bit of airbrush on the final image plane overlaps is needed to finish. Balancing the colours in the bright cone to look like ice was the final touch. Composed using Linear and Log FITS images with Photoshop Elements 2. (8 bit) with PC Windows XP.

This fits liberator image is not available for sale.

Mike Herbaut & the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator

About the FITS Image

Name:Mike Herbaut
Country:United Kingdom


r.titleLarge JPEG
106.3 KB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
126.0 KB
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