NGC 3372 Mosaic

Here is an image of NGC 3372. I used 12 different data sets to make it. Each dataset was mosaicked together using the wmosaic function in the IRAF/STSDAS program. Each of the resulting fits images was opened and manipulated using version 2 of the Fits Liberator and Photoshop CS. I then manually lined up the stars in each of the four images that made up each layer before flattening the image to perform post production touch up. This image has been resized and saved at a lower image quality setting due to size constraints. Many thanks to you and your entire team there for the new Fits Liberator. It is much easier to work with fits images now.

This fits liberator image is not available for sale.

James Long & the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator

About the FITS Image

Name:James Long
City:Long Beach, CA


r.titleLarge JPEG
1.2 MB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
208.4 KB
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