Crab Nebula gets the "Blues"

Don't let it's cool blue color fool you, the filaments in this behemoth of a nebula are estimated to be between a scorching 11,000 and 18,000 K (19,341 - 31,941 deg Fahrenheit). The image was created using 2 narrow band filters (F502N - blue, F673 - Red, added together to make a computer generated green layer) and 1 medium band filter (F547M - Cyan) obtained from the Hubble ESO/ST-ECF Archive. All data was processed using the Fits Liberator's Linear stretch function. The eight separate panes (4 colors per pane = 32 layers total) were then stitched together in Adobe Photoshop CS. The picture was finally cropped and scaled down by about 70%.

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Danny LaCrue & the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator

About the FITS Image

Name:Danny LaCrue


r.titleLarge JPEG
2.0 MB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
310.5 KB
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