NGC7133/ NGC7129/ NGC7142

This image shows NGC7133/ NGC7129/ NGC7142 taken at the observatory Sternwarte Gahberg. Christoph captured the image using 10" ASA f3.8N, Sbig St4000XCM (color ccd), Gemini Mount 42 Obs+, with an exposure time of 90 minutes. Processed using Maxim DL, the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator, PS CS3

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Christoph Kaltseis( & the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator

About the FITS Image

Name:Christoph Kaltseis
City:Kematen an der Krems


r.titleLarge JPEG
582.2 KB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
506.3 KB
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