Relative location of M15 and M31 G1

Medium-size black holes actually do exist, according to the latest findings from NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, but scientists had to look in some unexpected places to find them. The previously undiscovered black holes provide an important link that sheds light on the way in which black holes grow. Even more odd, these new black holes were found in the cores of glittering, 'beehive' swarms of stars called globular star clusters, which orbit our Milky Way and other galaxies. The black hole in globular cluster M15 is 4, 000 times more massive than our Sun. G1, a much larger globular cluster, harbors a heftier black hole, about 20, 000 times more massive than our Sun.


NASA/ESA and A. Feild (STScI)

About the Image

NASA press release
Release date:17 September 2002, 18:00
Size:1350 x 1200 px

About the Object

Name:Andromeda Galaxy, G 1, Messier 15, NGC 224, NGC 7078
Type:Milky Way : Star : Grouping : Cluster : Globular
Local Universe : Star : Grouping : Cluster : Globular

Image Formats

r.titleLarge JPEG
283.2 KB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
178.1 KB

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